Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wedding Prayers

So this weekend our friends Krista and Michael are getting married. I'm praying for a smooth, beautiful wedding and long life together for them!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Prayers for the week.

A lady at my church had heart surgery, our pastor had shoulder surgery.

Scott's job situation.

For Noah's sleep.

My coworkers and patients

Chris, Katherine and peanut.

My sister starting a new round of classes this week.

Us deciding about a weekend trip this summer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is GCM?

Those following my blog that aren’t part of GCM are probably wondering what it is (insert giggling smiley). GCM stands for Gentle Christian Mothers. It is an on-line (and occasionally off line) community of Christian Mothers who want to raise their children in a grace-filled, loving, non- punitive home. I am so glad I found this site last summer- it has been such a blessing. We talk about everything! We pray for each other, support each other, give advice and share our mommy lives. It is so nice to have a group of women to turn to who share my parenting philosophy. Scott and I want to raise Noah in the manner the Bible says- and this goes against what most of society tells parents to do. It saddens me that so many “Christian” parenting experts, have principles that are actually un- Biblical. Hmmm, maybe I will do other blog posts on this subject.

At GCM there are so many needs and prayer requests. In the past few months we have had moms have second trimester losses. We have had several NICU babies. There are sick children, parents and loved ones. There are marriages under attack. I pray for these women constantly- and that is why it is on my prayer list.

I am looking forward to meeting some of these moms when we go to Atlanta in May!!

Mid April updates

Nothing exciting is going on. Scott has applied for several jobs this week- so we are waiting, waiting, waiting. A praise is that nothing in our house has broken this month. Yay!!!!!

Chris and Katherine's peanut is doing good! they had an appt this week- and the doc says everything is fine. They will have a big ultrasound in may- and are planning to find out the sex if peanut isn't shy! ;)

Scott's dad and Denise just brought Denise's mom back from Florida for 3 months- so they need prayer for that situation.

Krista and Micheal are getting hitched in about 3 weeks- I have been praying for that and for their marriage.

My sister got an "A" in her first class- and will be starting classes again on monday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I am so blessed.

While making hospital rounds this weekend, it struck me how blessed I am. I am not in the hospital as a patient. I have a roof over my head, food on my table, a cupcake in my stomach, a wonderful family. Maybe it hit me because I had 3 people who were very close to my age. One with cancer, and 2 with multiple sclerosis.

I see so many hurting, broken people on a daily basis. I also see those who know the Lord. I can walk into an exam room and almost immediately tell if a patient loves God. I see people go through horrible experiences and illnesses and those who love God have such a better time accepting what comes their way.

It is so emotionally draining to see those patients that don't love God. It is like their spirit wants to suck the life out of mine.

I have so much- and there are so many people who have so little.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Requests for the week

My best friend Vicki emailed me and said several members of her church are sick and in need of prayer. Also her well tank busted- so she is out of water until it is fixed.

No news to report on the job front.

Chris and Katherine's peanut is doing well- and Katherine is beginning to have less nausea- so that is a giant praise! Chris is coming here this weekend- so safe travels!

My sister has been having a rough few weeks with school. Her clinical instructor is not very nice- and she has had a lot of tests. And her birthday is the 11th!!